The Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd. (HUDCO) has announced the HUDCO recruitment of 66 lateral-level posts across various disciplines. The posts include Trainee Officer, Assistant General Manager, Executive Director, Senior Manager, Deputy General Manager, and Manager and other posts.
Interested candidates can apply online HUDCO Recruitment through the official HUDCO website. The application Portal is opened on 27 July 2024. Now, the online application for HUDCO Trainee Officer Recruitment and other Posts can apply before Last Date 11 August 2024. Check HUDCO Recruitment 2024 Vacancy Details, Age Limit, Application form ate and selection process etc.
HUCO Recruitment Notification 2024

Organization Name | Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd |
Name of Posts | Trainee Officer, Assistant General Manager, Executive Director, Senior Manager, Deputy General Manager, and Manager |
No.of.Vacancy | 66 Posts |
Last Date to Apply | 11 August 2024 |
Category | Latest Job |
Official website | |
HUCO Recruitment 2024 Eligibility
The Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd. (HUDCO) Recently Invited Online Application for Trainee Officer and Other Posts Online Application Form Start From 27 July and Dedline 11th August 2024. Applicants Check Below HUDCO Recruitment Eligibity Age Limit Selection Process fee Details and Important Date Below.
Educational Qualification
Candidates must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in the relevant discipline with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent CGPA. Desirable qualifications include an MBA or a 2-year Post Graduate Diploma with a specialization in Finance. Candidates with a 5-year integrated B.E./B.Tech. + M.E./M.Tech. Degrees in the relevant discipline are eligible. For an MBA/PG Diploma in Management/MMS with dual specialization, one specialization must be function-specific for the advertised post.
Age Limit (as of 1 July 2024)
The maximum age for the Trainee post is 28 years. The maximum age limit for the Lateral Level position varies according to the posts, but the maximum age is 55 years. Candidates are advised to read the official notification for more details about the age limit. Age relaxation is applicable as per government norms:
- SC/ST: 5 years
- OBC (Non-Creamy Layer): 3 years
- PwBD: 10 years
- HUDCO Various Posts Selection Process
Application Fee Details
The application fee for the HUDCO Trainee Officer positions is structured as follows:
- For General/EWS/OBC-NCL candidates: ₹1000/- (inclusive of taxes)
- For SC/ST/PwBD candidates: NIL
- Application Dates
HUDCO Recruitment important dates:
- Commencement of Online Application: 27.07.2024 from 10:30 Hrs
- Last date for submission of Online Application: 11.08.2024 up to 23:55 Hrs
Selection Process
The selection process for the HUDCO Trainee Officer positions consists of the following stages:
- Computer-Based Test (CBT)
The CBT will comprise two sections: Specific Domain/Discipline related test (90 questions) and General Aptitude Test (60 questions).
The General Aptitude Test will include General English, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, and General Awareness.
The test will be conducted in English and Hindi with a negative marking of 0.25 marks for every wrong answer.
- Personal Interview
Candidates who qualify for the CBT will be shortlisted for the interview.
The final selection will be based on the overall merit taking into account the marks obtained in the written test (80% weightage) and the performance in the personal interview (20% weightage).
- Training
Selected candidates will undergo one year of training during which they will be placed in the pay scale of ₹40,000-3%-1,40,000 (IDA pattern).
Upon successful completion of the training period, candidates will be considered for regularization as Officers.
How to Apply Online for HUDCO Recruitment 2024?
- इस भर्ती में आवेदन करने के लिए सबसे पहले आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर विजिट करें।
- वेबसाइट के होम पेज पर आपको करियर सेक्शन में जाना।
- अब आपको भर्ती से संबंधित बॉक्स में जाकर Apply Now लिंक पर क्लिक करना है।
- इसके बाद पहले To Register लिंक पर क्लिक करके मांगी गई डिटेल भरकर पंजीकरण कर लें।
- रजिस्ट्रेशन होने के बाद अभ्यर्थी Already Registered? To Login पर क्लिक करके आवेदन प्रक्रिया पूर्ण कर लें।
- अंत में अभ्यर्थी निर्धारित एप्लीकेशन फीस जमा करके पूर्ण रूप से भरे हुए फॉर्म का एक प्रिंटआउट निकालकर सुरक्षित रख लें।
Important Links
- Official Webiste:
- Official Notification: Click here
- Apply Online: Apply From here